E340 accessories

From $59.00

The E340 has a range of Givi accessories and spares available to make your top box ever more versatile.

  Code Description RRP Availability
BACKREST FOR E340 - was E811 Image GI E196 BACKREST FOR E340 - was E811 $59.00 In stock Enquire now
TOP BOX COVER E340/B33 BLUE PAINTED Image GI C340B508 TOP BOX COVER E340/B33 BLUE PAINTED $69.00 In stock Enquire now
TOP BOX COVER E340/B33 SILVER PAINTED -NLA Image GI C340G730 TOP BOX COVER E340/B33 SILVER PAINTED -NLA $69.00 In stock Enquire now
TOP BOX COVER E340/B33 BLACK PAINTED Image GI C340N902 TOP BOX COVER E340/B33 BLACK PAINTED $69.00 In stock Enquire now
SECURITY LOCK SET x1 LOCK Image GI SL101 SECURITY LOCK SET x1 LOCK $44.90 In stock Enquire now
MONOLOCK PLATE, COVER & FITTINGS OR USE GI Z113-2+Z114+Z410 Image GI Z113C2 MONOLOCK PLATE, COVER & FITTINGS OR USE GI Z113-2+Z114+Z410 $69.00 In stock Enquire now
E340 Parts Diagram (813.85 KB)